Uncaught TypeError in StreamController occurs when video loops
Created by: sureshmurali
The issue occurs in the latest reference client on http://dashif.org/reference/players/javascript/ and not just on my page -
The MPD passes the DASH-IF Conformance Tool on http://dashif.org/conformance.html -
The stream has correct Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers (CORS) -
There are no network errors such as 404s in the browser console when trying to play the stream -
The issue observed is not mentioned on https://github.com/Dash-Industry-Forum/dash.js/wiki/FAQ - Link to playable MPD file: http://dash.edgesuite.net/akamai/bbb_30fps/bbb_30fps.mpd
- Dash.js version: 2.3.0 (master)
- Browser name/version: Chrome 54.0.2840.71 (64-bit)
- OS name/version: OS X Yosemite 10.10.5
Steps to reproduce
- Load and play VOD mpd file (LOOP ENABLED)
- Seek to near end of video
- Video ends and playback initializes
- Uncaught TypeError occurs in StreamController
Observed behaviour
No problem in video playback.
Console output
StreamController.js:310 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getStreamInfo' of null