#r Relative MPD Anchor doesn't set player start time
Created by: robertbryer
The MPD passes the DASH-IF Conformance Tool on https://conformance.dashif.org/ -
The stream has correct Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers (CORS) -
There are no network errors such as 404s in the browser console when trying to play the stream -
The issue observed is not mentioned on https://github.com/Dash-Industry-Forum/dash.js/wiki/FAQ -
The issue occurs in the latest reference client on http://reference.dashif.org/dash.js/ and not just on my page
- Link to playable MPD file: http://reference.dashif.org/dash.js/v3.0.1/samples/dash-if-reference-player/index.html?url=https://livesim.dashif.org/livesim/testpic_2s/Manifest.mpd#r=180
- Dash.js version: v3.0.0 / v3.0.1
v3.0.1: Load the above url with the relative time anchor. The video doesn't start, although it looks like the segments being streamed match the correct time for the anchor (180s from the earliest point in the window).
(On version 3.0.0, the player begins at livepoint after trying to load one segment at r=180)
Expected behaviour: Player begins playing 180s from the start of the rewind window.